Officers of Post 1819

Commander Robert D Freeland
Snr Vice Commander Anthony L Mizzi
Jnr Vice Commander Erik R Naimoli
Quartermaster Frederick J Blumlein
Chaplain Bernard P Delaney
1 Year Trustee Richard S Ertel
2 Year Trustee Jerald H Tedeschi
3 Year Trustee Carmelo M Gagliano
Adjutant (Appointed) Gilbert Landeros
Service Officer (Appointed) Mark L Lampi

Officers of Post 1819

Commander Robert D Freeland
Snr Vice Commander Anthony L Mizzi
Jnr Vice Commander Erik R Naimoli
Quartermaster Frederick J Blumlein
Chaplain Bernard P Delaney
1 Year Trustee Richard S Ertel
2 Year Trustee Jerald H Tedeschi
3 Year Trustee Carmelo M Gagliano
Adjutant (Appointed) Gilbert Landeros
Service Officer (Appointed) Mark L Lampi

Upcoming Public Events

In remembrance of our Veterans who have given their lives for our Country, residents are asked to attend the Port Washington Memorial Day Parade and stop by the VFW table at the Band Shell to express your gratitude to our veterans. There, VFW Buddy Poppies will be freely distributed there and donations are always welcome. Please remember that the proceeds from your donations go directly from our post to organizations that support our Veterans.